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OTHER HOMEPAGES   (= in HK)  ( = weblog)  ( = homepage)

With an ever increasing number of Hong Kong related pages, this site had become increasingly complex. Therefore I have now created the following six categories: "Interns", "Exchange, MBA & PhD Students", "People from Hong Kong", "Expats", "Travellers" and "HK Weblog Directories". If you'd like your page to be listed here as well let me know.

Interns  (in German)
Ole was an intern at BASF in Hong Kong in 2001 and like Jörg and me he also lived in 75 Electric Road. His homepage is well structured with many interesting categories and has a simple yet attractive corporate design. Not updated. (in German)
This website was created by Barbara, my co-trainee and friend at German Industry and Commerce. It contains a photo section about Hong Kong and very soon information about her internship in Bangalore (India). Sigh!  (in English)
Andreas was a trainee at Mercedes-Benz China Limited in 2003 / 2004. Unfortunately he deleted his comprehensive Hong Kong logfiles. At least he has started a new logfile.  (in German)
Marius's webpage has a great design and is a good read. Don't forget to visit his "supersampler" lomo section. Marius was in Hong Kong in the first half of 2002, currently he is studying in Singapore.      (in German)                        (in German)

Jörg was in Hong Kong in 2002-2003 and has in the beginning kept a very detailed account of his first steps in Hong Kong. Back in Germany, he is keeping a new weblog.  (in German)   
Christian was an intern at Fiducia in Hong Kong in 2003 and has created this website about Hong Kong. It is probably one of the most prominent as it was featured in the German women's magazine Brigitte.         (in German)
Tobias, who lived in Hong Kong in 1999 / 2000, is putting his emphasis on information rather than his personal life. (in English)    
Steffen, originally from Osnabrück, stayed in Hong Kong as a trainee from September to December 2003. Not updated.    (in German)      
From June to September 2004, Claudio was an intern at KPMG in Hong Kong.    (in German)    
Jasmin was in Hong Kong from March to August 2004. She has not published anything there since she finished her internship. (in German)    
Christian was a trainee at NCW from August to December 2003. Not updated. (in German)    
Roeschen was a trainee from April to October 2004. Her "Internship in Hong Kong" weblog, however, contains only two entries. (in German)    
"Beobachtungen aus China" is this weblog's name.     (in German)   (in German)    
I don't know Eva, the author of the website, personally (although I somehow managed to get on one of her photos). She completed several internships in Hong Kong and now managed to get a permanent position. Since then, however, she seems to have stopped posting on her website.  (in German)
Thomas was an IPC intern in Hong Kong as well and has created this webpage. (in German)
Daniel was an intern at debis Financial Services (Daimler-Chrysler) in 1999 and provides some information about his internship and the city. (in German)
This is a brief internship report from a Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen student that dates back to 1998.

Exchange, MBA & PhD Students  (in German)    
Christian, who studied at Hong Kong University in 2003, has created the aforementioned weblog. Although he has already returned to Germany he is still updating his weblog with HK related information on a very regular basis.  (in German)
Tobias, a student at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003, has also created a webpage about Hong Kong. Not updated.       (in English, sometimes German)
Sönke studied a semester at the PolyU in 2003 and later was a trainee for Kühne & Nagel in Hong Kong. His comprehensive webpage contains a diary and many photos.  (in English)
David is the first American who has managed to get onto this list. In 1999, he spent a semester abroad at the City University of Hong Kong, followed by an internship at Lovell White Durant, an international law firm.   (in German)    
Florian is participating in an MBA programme at Hong Kong University since August 2003 and as such he is giving a very detailed insight into his life as a student there.   (in German)    
Florian, yet another Polytechnic University exchange student in 2003 / 2004, has created this weblog. Not updated since he returned to Germany. (in German, sometimes English)  
Hartmut, who is writing his thesis at Hong Kong University, is also keeping a weblog. Not all entries are necessarily Hong Kong related. Frequently updated.                         (in German)
"Erfahrungen aus aller Welt" is the title of Daniel's weblog who is studying in Hong Kong from August to December 2004.  (in German)     
Daniel is studying business at the ISM in Dortmund and will be staying in Hong Kong in 2005 to pursue his studies there. Although he is not there yet he has already started to post on his HK weblog. (in English, German)     
Robert has arrived in Hong Kong at the end of August 2004 to study for four months at the Hongkong University of Science and Technology. (in German)     
Jürgen is currently spending a semester Hongkong University of Science and Technology as well. (in German)     
Lukas is also spending a semester in Hong Kong in 2004, the third Austrian in a row.

People from Hong Kong (in English, German or Chinese)    
Siu Tung, a native of Hong Kong, has previously lived in Bonn and Berlin for a while and is now living in Heidelberg. (in English, sometimes German)    
Kwan, the second native of Hong Kong listed here, is currently living and working in Düsseldorf. It's interesting to read what's striking to her there.

Expats (in English)    
Bunny moved to Hong Kong in September 2004. Her writing style is refreshingly different. (in English)    
This weblog is kept by an expat who is posting regularly since April 2003. (in English)    
This weblog is kept by a Mainland Chinese journalist living in Hong Kong.   (in English)     
Big White Guy is a Canadian expat living in Hong Kong, a writer by occupation, and his weblog is almost an institution. Regularly updated. (in German)        
Katja just moved to Hong Kong with her husband and started her diary in mid-September 2004. Has not been posting recently. (in German)    
Christoph was an intern in 2004 and will continue to stay in Hong Kong as he was offered a job there. Updated on a regular basis. (in German)    
Holger is an expat in Hong Kong. He started posting at the end of 2004.   (in German)
This website is a group project of two German apprentices in Hong Kong. They have obviously devoted a lot of time to portray "Asia's World City", particularly its nightlife.

Travellers   (in German)
HK2K2 - a chinese new year story. Reports from Daniel and Marcel. I particularly like their opening comment.

HK Weblog Directories   (in English)     
This list of weblogs claims to be "The World's Most Authoritative Guide to Hong Kong Blogs". It contains links to other weblogs in English.  (in English)     
This website is the web's self-acclaimed definitive China blog list, including a few from Hong Kong.
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